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Semakin nyata kebenarannya sekarang bahawa memang ada konspirasi
berterusan bukan saja untuk menamatkan riwayat politik bahkan hayat
tubuh badan Anwar Ibrahim. Pada malam pertama ditahan, selepas
disingkir daripada jawatannya sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan
Timbalan Presiden UMNO, beliau dipukul sampai hampir maut oleh KPN.
Kini, pemeriksaan air kencingnya, yang dibuat oleh Gribbles Pathology,
Melbourne, Australia, menunjukkan bahawa kandungan racun arsenik di
dalam badannya setinggi 230.0 ug/g creatnin, iaitu 77 kali ganda
daripada yang biasa.

Dari manakah dan bagaimanakah datangnya racun yang sangat merbahaya
itu? Peguam Negara, secara tidak bertanggungjawab, cuba hendak
memberitahu mahkamah kononnya ia boleh datang melalui makanan yang
dibawa oleh
keluarga Anwar. Adakah beliau hendak mengatakan bahawa keluarga Anwar
hendak meracuninya supaya beransur-ansur mati? Lebih baik tuduh sahaja
bahawa Anwar hendak membunuh diri. Ini sama sajalah dengan tuduhan
kononnya Anwar sendiri meyebabkan mata lebamnya setahun lalu.

Percubaan untuk menghilangkan pengaruh Anwar dengan menggunakan media,
mahkamah dan polis tidak berjaya. Mungkin kerana itu hayatnya harus
ditamatkan secara beransur-ansur dengan menggunakan racun. Lagi pula
sekiranya hayat Anwar tamat dan keadaan tubuhnya kurus, rambutnya
gugur, giginya hilang dan seumpamanya, maka mudahlah difitnahkan
bahawa beliau mati oleh kerana AIDS. Ini sesuailah dengan fitnah yang
berterusan dibuat bahawa beliau seorang kaki liwat. Syukurlah hasil
pemeriksaan di Melbourne itu membawa cerita yang berlainan. Walaupun
demikian, kita berdoa agar kesan daripada racun yang sudah ada dalam
tubuh Anwar tidak akan membawa kepada apa-apa akibat yang tidak

Kini, Anwar telah dimasukkan ke Hospital UKM. Contoh air kencingnya
akan diuji di makmal HUKM serta Pusat Racun Negara di USM, dan
diserahkan juga kepada polis. Kami berharap kesemua pihak akan
menjalankan tugasnya secara profesional tanpa membenarkan diri mereka
ditekan oleh mana-mana kuasa politik. Sekiranya kajian mereka
mengesahkan hasil ujian di Melbourne itu, maka hendaklah segera
dibentuk sebuah Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk menyiasat segala perkara
yang bersabit dengan kandungan racun arsenik dalam badan Anwar.

Dr Syed Husin Ali

10 September 1999



It has become clearer now that there could have been a continuing
conspiracy not only to assassinate Anwar Ibrahim politically but also
to eliminate him physically. On the first night he was detained, after
he was dismissed from his position as Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy
President of UMNO, he was inflicted with almost lethal blows by the
IGP. Now an examination of his urine carried out by Gribbles
Pathology, Melbourne, Australia, has shown that the level of arsenic
content in his body is as high as 230.0 ug/g creatnin, which is 77
times higher than normal.

From where did this highly dangerous poison come, and how did it enter
Anwar's body? In court, the Attorney General tried to suggest that it
might well have been from food brought by Anwar's family. Is he trying
to suggest that Anwar's wife or children were trying to poison Anwar
to a slow death? Why not just say that the poison was swallowed by
Anwar to commit suicide. After all, was he not accused a year ago of
self-inflicting the now famous black eye?

Obviously the attempts to wipe out Anwar's political influence through
the media, court and by the police have not succeeded. Perhaps because
of that his life must be slowly taken away by the use of arsenic.
Further, should Anwar's life end in a condition where his body has
shrunk, his hair and teeth fallen, would it not be easier to allege
that he has died of AIDS? This could fit well with the wild stories
spread by those in authority that he is a homosexual. Fortunately, the
result of the laboratory test in
Melbourne has told another story. But still we hope and pray that the
high level of arsenic in Anwar's body will not lead to any
undesirable consequence.

Now Anwar has been admitted to the UKM Hospital. His urine sample will
be tested in that hospital and the National Poison Centre at USM, and
also sent to the police. I hope and urge that everyone will carry out
his duty professionally, without allowing himself to be pressurised
politically by anybody. At the same time, if their tests confirm the
Melbourne result, then a Royal Commission should be urgently formed to
examine every aspect related to arsenic content in Anwar's body.

Dr Syed Husin Ali

10 September 1999

  • Kenyataan KakWan tentang Anwar diracun  
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